So without much fanfare, I have been learning how to use Manga Studios 5  and GIMP to create show posters for my comic conventions.  I have to give Brian Allen credit for pushing me to learn more than I was used to.  Brian held my hand on the Setsucon poster, and then just turned me loose, and I’ve been learning and experimenting for a few hours per week all year since January.  Using my existing artwork, and then adding backgrounds, effects and text has been a great way to explore a more “graphic arts” angle to my work.  I have been trying to keep each one unique and fun at the same time.  Here are my current posters, oldest at the bottom, newest at the top…

Jason Lenox Pittsburgh Comic Con 2014

Jason Lenox Baltimore Comic Con 2014 Poster

Jason Lenox WVPop Con Poster small

Jason Lenox Scranton Comic Con 2014

Jason Lenox SCI FI Poster 2014

Jason Lenox WW Philly Poster with Table Number

Attack on Titan Jason Lenox Small File